Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ page). Below, we have tried to answer the most common questions visitors to our Web site may have. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please email us info@prwillisllc.com or call us during BUSINESS HOURS at 201-659-2090.

1. What types of criminal cases does your office handle?

Everything. Our attorneys have handled cases ranging from simple municipal ordinance violations in local municipal courts to Death Penalty cases in the Superior Court of New Jersey. We believe all individuals deserve quality representation regardless of how minor the charge can be. Any criminal charge is a serious charge.

2. What areas of the United States do you practice criminal defense in?

All areas. Our attorneys have handled cases in over 30 State and Federal District Courts. We have successfully handled criminal cases from California to New York.

3. How much do you charge for an initial consultation?

We do not charge for initial consultations.

4. My case has been decided; are you able to assist me with an appeal?


We have helped a significant number of clients successfully appeal their cases in a multitude of jurisdictions--in municipal court at the local level, superior court at the state level, up through the appellate circuit for federal cases in United States District Court. 

5. My case is resolved and I would like to know about expungements.

We are certainly welcome to assist you with your expungement, whether for personal or employment reasons. That stated, each case is situational and you will need to contact us in order to provide us with the necessary information regarding the date of arrest and adjudication in order for us to determine whether you are eligible for an expungement.